The 1st episode of the 2nd series of the Weekly Dartscast, featuring Alex Moss and Burton DeWitt. Listen as the team recap Glen Durrant's second successive BDO World Championship at the Lakeside, as well as Lisa Ashton's fourth LDO crown in five years. The team also discuss where Mark McGeeney can go from here after missing two darts for the title, and what Michael Unterbuchner's semi-final run could mean for German Darts. The team preview Q School, discussing which BDO players may win cards and which former Tour Card holders can retain their cards, before airing some interviews with Q School hopefuls Martin Lukeman, Michael Power, and Michael Barnard, courtesy of Matthew Kiernan. The team are joined by Glen Durrant, who discusses retaining his World Title, some of his goals for 2018, and his friendly banter with Eric Bristow on Twitter.